Contribute to the READ-IT project
Welcome to the public contribution portal for the READ-IT project! Here you can contribute any of the following types of data to the project:
- text or image files, written or printed information you have found about the experiences of reading of people through history from c.1700 to the present day;
- image files, visual representations of reading you have found in painting, sculpture, photography, illustrations, from c.1700 to the present day etc.
- text, image, audio and video files, to contribute and share your own responses to reading.
We accept both 'found content', as records of reading you have found, as well as 'user-generated content', your own records or responses to your reading.
READ-IT Website
Expiring in 11 months

Gruppi di lettura
Campagna per raccogliere testimonianze di lettura da gruppi di lettura italiani.
Expiring in 12 months